There are different versions of PayPal. ShootQ syncs with PayPal Payments Pro (not PayPal Standard although that may be a feature we add in the future). When your account is synced, clients will be able to make payments via credit card right on a ShootQ invoice. PayPal will charge the card and mark the ShootQ invoice as paid for you. So it's a very seamless process for you and your clients.
To connect your PayPal Pro account to ShootQ, first double-check your settings in your PayPal account at
Under Service Settings > Hosted Checkout Pages > Set Up, set "Enable Secure Token" to "Yes"
In the same section, set the CSC to "Light"
In the same section under Payment Confirmation, change the "Return URL Method" from "GET" to "POST"
Save those those three changes.
Under Service Settings > Hosted Checkout Pages > Customize, choose Layout C. Then 'Save and Publish' your changes
Now in your ShootQ account, navigate to Settings > Payments, Invoices, & Taxs > Collection Types, and follow these steps.
Click on PayPal from the list of merchant accounts.
Set the Currency in which you are going to collect funds. IMPORTANT: The currency chosen under Settings > Account > Company Information does not override the PayPal currency. The setting in the Company Info section only defines the currency symbol used on invoices. It does not define the currency in which funds are collected.
Next, enter your credentials in the following fields. If you are unsure about these items, please contact PayPal Customer Support:
Partner - Typically this is 'PayPal'
Merchant Login
User - Many times the User will be the same as Merchant Login
Finally, save your information.
Once you've synced your account, you can then use PayPal Pro as a payment method on your proposals and invoices.
Note - Refunds: Just like all ShootQ integrated merchant accounts, if you need to refund a client for a payment collect via PayPal it's best to do it on the invoice in ShootQ. Navigate to the invoice and click the Refund button next to the payment you would like to refund. PayPal will then process the refund and the transaction will be recorded on the ShootQ invoice.
To remove PayPal from your ShootQ account, just mouse over it under the Settings tab and click the red X. After that, PayPal will no longer be a payment option in ShootQ. Any invoices that were using PayPal will revert to 'Collect Manually' as the payment method.