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Job Workflows

Set up tasks and automated emails & questionnaires for your active Jobs

Lauren avatar
Written by Lauren
Updated over 2 months ago

A Job Workflow is basically a series of tasks that you do to fulfill an active, booked job. It can also include automated emails and questionnaires that are sent at designated times. These tasks and automations occur in relation to the dates of the events on the job. The job workflow can also automatically create other events on the job.

The first step is to build a job workflow under the Settings tab. Then you can apply it to your jobs.

Building a Job Workflow

You can create a job workflow under Settings > Workflow & Automation. Click the 'plus' icon in the Job Workflow section to create a new one. Then give your workflow a name.

Every job will have a main event so it is automatically added to the timeline. You can then add tasks that have due dates related to the main event's date. 

To add tasks just click the 'plus' icon next to the Main Event. 

Then type the task (and description if necessary). The description just helps to further clarify the task which may be useful in larger studios where multiple people may be accessing the same workflow.

Tasks can also have sub-tasks if necessary. These are a series of smaller tasks related to the main task. To add a sub-task just type it in the field and click the Enter/Return button on your keyboard. For example, the main task might be "Check Equipment" and the sub-tasks would be all of the specific equipment that needs to checked.

If necessary, a task can be assigned to specific personnel in your studio.

Then set a due date for the task. It can be due either before or after the event.

Adding Additional Events to the Timeline

You can add additional Events to the timeline by clicking this "plus" icon. This is useful if you always have the same events with certain types of jobs. When the workflow is used on an actual job, these events will automatically be created.

For instance, if your weddings always include an engagement session, rehearsal dinner, and an ordering session, they can be added to the workflow. You can then add tasks that are due in relation to those events (instead of the main event).

Furthermore, you can add a location to the event if it occurs in the same location every time. The location fields are optional.

Then designate the type of event and write a description of the event if necessary.

The start date of the event will happen in relation to the main event (either before or after it). The duration is how long the event will be. The actual dates and durations can be changed when the workflow

Adding Automated Emails and Questionnaires

To add automated emails or questionnaires to the workflow, click on the main event.

Then click the 'plus' icon under "Generate an automatic workflow action by choosing the options below". To configure the automation, do the following:

  • Click "Template" to select either an email or questionnaire template.

  • Click "Contact" to select who you are going to send the template to.

  • Click "Time" to determine when to send the template. It can be sent either before or after the event.

In this example I'm sending an automated questionnaire five weeks before the main event occurs. You can add additional emails and by clicking the 'plus' icon again.

Emails and Questionnaires can also be sent when a task is due or completed. These can be set up by clicking on a particular task and then clicking the "plus" icon on the far right. You would configure the email/questionnaire in the same way as you would for an event. The only difference is that the due date will be set when the task is either completed or due.

In this example, an email notifying the client that their images are online will be sent when the "Post to Social Media/Upload Proofs to Gallery" task is completed.

In the upper right corner, you can set a default workflow for your job types. For instance, if you create a wedding workflow you can automatically assign it to your weddings. 

Then, anytime a wedding lead or job is created, the workflow will be automatically assigned to it. When creating a job or lead, you can also override the default workflow.

Here is completed workflow. It includes tasks and automated emails/questionnaires centered around the main even to the job. It also includes another event (Ordering Session) which also has tasks and automations.

Applying a Job Workflow to a Job or Lead

You can apply a job workflow when you create a job or lead. Just select the workflow in the the drop down menu. If you are creating a lead, the workflow won't become active until the job is booked.

When the job is created, the workflow's tasks and automated emails and questionnaires appear in the Job's timeline. And the events in the workflow are automatically created as well.

These tasks can be customized if necessary for that particular job.  For instance you can change the task, description, and sub-tasks. You can also change the due date and assigned personnel, and remove the task altogether.

To mark a task completed just click the check mark on the task. You can also check the box next to the task in the Job timeline. 

Completed tasks will be automatically hidden but you can always show them again.

You can also manually add tasks to the workflow for any event in the timeline. Just click the 'plus' icon next to the appropriate Event

Any scheduled emails or questionnaires will also appear in the timeline. You can modify when they are going to be sent by clicking on the Event name or Task. You can also add new automated emails/questionnaires as well.

Finally, if you need to change the workflow on a job, click the the workflow name at the top of the Timeline. Changing to a different workflow will delete the previous workflow (and all of its tasks and automations) from the job.

A workflow's tasks are not only visible on a job but also under the Task Manager on the Dashboard. This task manager will show you tasks for all jobs or you can filter them to see only tasks assigned to particular personnel or a particular job. Tasks can be marked completed by clicking the circle icon.

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