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How Reports Are Calculated

Understand how each metric in the Reports section is calculated

Lauren McConihay avatar
Written by Lauren McConihay
Updated over a week ago

The Reports tab in ShootQ is filled with information that helps you gauge how your studio is doing in terms of finances/sales, referrals, and bookings. Understanding these metrics and how they are computed is essential to analyzing the data. This article will shed some light on each metric in the reporting section.

First things first though. In the upper right corner of the the Reports tab there is a filter where you can set the time range of the all of the reports on the page. It'll default to the current year (January 1 - December 31), but you can change it to this month, last month, or last year. You can even set a custom date range. And there's a refresh button right next to these options so that you can refresh the data on the page.

Also, each metric can be exported to a CSV file which can be opened in a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or Apple Numbers. The export icon can be found in the bottom right corner of each metric. Typically the exported file contains more information than what is visible on the screen.

Now let's take a look at how this data is calculated.

Sales Chart

The Sales section actually has three metrics on the graph - Sales (blue bar), Collected (dark green bar), and Projected (light green bar). Voided invoices and refunded payments do not factor into the calculations. You can mouse over the bars on the chart to see the actual amounts.

  • Sales - This shows the amount of total income that was invoiced in a given time range. For instance, if you create two invoices in March that have grand totals of $100 each, the graph will show that you have invoiced $200 for that month (the invoice grand total is the sum of the package/product price, taxes, discounts, and shipping charges). The analytic is based on the date the invoice was created.

  • Collected - This displays the total amount that you have actually collected from your clients in a given time frame. It's based on the payment collection date (not the payment due date). For example, if you collect two payments in April for $35 and $75, the total for that month would be $110.

  • Projected - This metric will show you the total of all the payments that have a due date in a specific time range. For example, if you have an invoice with three payments of $33 and two of those payments are due in May and one in June, the total on the graph would be $66 for May and $33 for June. When those payments are made, they are removed from from the Projected total (and are included in the Collected total).

Highlight Charts

There a series of metrics which tally up the totals of your selected time frame and they highlight some key data points.

  • Payments Collected - Displays the total amount of revenue that was actually collected from clients. It is based on the date those payments were collected (not the payment due date). And the percentage shows the increase/decrease from the same prior period (i.e. If the time range is set to this year, the increase/decrease will show from the previous year).

  • Sales - Shows the total amount of revenue that was invoiced. It is based on when an invoice was created (called the 'Invoice Date'). And the percentage shows the increase/decrease from the same prior period (i.e. If the time range is set to this year, the increase/decrease will show from the previous year).

  • Most Popular Job Type - Displays the job type that has the most bookings in the selected time frame. It's based on the booking date for the job. And it also shows the number of those bookings for the job type. Jobs without a job type will be listed as 'Other'.

  • Most Popular Package - Shows the package that generated the most revenue for the selected date range. It is based on when the invoice with the package was created (Invoice Date). The total amount of revenue generated by the package is also shown.

  • Most Popular Item Type - Shows the product (or service) that generated the most revenue for the selected date range. This can include products that were included in packages or ordered as standalone items. It is based on when the invoice with the product was created (Invoice Date). The total amount of revenue generated by the product is also shown.


This section shows a breakdown of the types of referrals that were selected by clients on the ShootQ contact form. It's based on when the lead was generated in ShootQ.

Jobs, Packages, and Items Charts

The final section shows metrics for your jobs, packages, and items (products/services). You can hover the charts to see more specific data. You can also use the toggle to change from percentages to dollar amounts (or number count in the case of Jobs).


This chart shows the types of jobs and leads that have a main event date during a certain date range. It's based on the job's main event date. It does not include deleted jobs or leads. It also does not include jobs and leads that were archived (canceled). You can mouse over the chart to see the actual number of jobs booked for given job type.


This chart displays the packages that were invoiced during the selected time range. It's based on when the invoice was created. It does not included voided invoices. You can view the total amount of revenue each package generated by mousing over the chart.


This chart shows the products (and services) that were included on invoices for the specified date range. It includes items that were included in packages and ones that were ordered a la carte. It's based on when the invoice was created but it doesn't include any voided invoices. You can view the total amount of revenue generated by each product/service by mousing over the chart.

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