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Booking Process: Creating a Proposal
Booking Process: Creating a Proposal

Learn to create Proposals and allow clients to sign contracts and make invoice payments

Lauren avatar
Written by Lauren
Updated over 2 months ago

To turn a lead into an officially booked job, you'll need to send your clients a proposal. A proposal allows the client to choose a package, sign a contract, and make a payment (if necessary) all in one easy process.

There are several ways to create a proposal.

  1. On the Leads Board, from the Lead Qualified column you can click on the Send Proposal.

  2. Click the plus sign at the top, then click quick proposal.

  3. Navigate to the Job/Lead and to the Documents tab then click the New Proposal button.

Step 1: Build A Package

Select one of your pre-set packages to offer your client in the proposal. You can also create a new package from scratch.

If necessary, you can Customize the package for a particular client. For example, you can adjust the package name, description, contents, add ons, and selling price. Making changes to the package, will not override your preset package template. That template will still be available for your next booking. The changes will only apply to the package for this particular client.

Multiple packages can be added into the proposal. The client will then have the opportunity to choose between them. Packages that have been added will appear on the far right.

Step 2: Settings

This section allows you to customize settings for the invoice that will be attached to the proposal. You can also set a proposal expiration date

   1. How do you want to receive payment?

Choose a payment method for a client. If you have a merchant account integrated into ShootQ you can select to allow the client to pay via credit card. You can further give the client an option to also pay by check. If you do not want to allow credit card payments, just click Collect Manually. When you collect payments manually (cash, check, etc), you will need to mark your invoices as paid once you receive payment.


 2. Payment Schedule

Create a schedule of payments and set when each payment is due. You can have as many payments as necessary and they can be due any time in relation to the event date, booking date, or a specific date. Either create a custom schedule or choose one of your preset schedule templates.


3. Apply A Discount

If necessary, you can apply a discount to the order either by selecting a preset discount template or creating one from scratch. You can also create more than one discount for the invoice.


 4. Configure Taxes

If necessary, apply a tax to the order by selecting one of your preset tax templates.


 5. Expiration

If you want your proposal to expire in a certain period of time, choose a date in this section. This will give the client a limited amount of time to complete the proposal. After the expiration date, the client will no longer have access to the proposal. You can always re-activate it and re-send it to them. If you don't want your proposal to expire, just select that option instead.

Step 3: Team

It's not required but you can assign personnel to the job. You can also change and update the personnel once the job is booked.

Step 4: Contract

Select one of your contract templates and add it to the proposal. The template can be edited if necessary.

Step 5: Email Proposal

The last step in the proposal process is to send it to your client. It will default to the primary contact on the job but you can send it to other people as well by clicking "Modify Contacts". For each contact you add to the email, you can either require them to sign the contract or give them read-only access (Review Only). The read-only option is helpful if multiple need to see the contract but only one person is required to sign it.

After composing your email (or selecting one your email templates), send the proposal to your client(s). A link will automatically be added to the email. The client will click on this link to view proposal and sign the contract.

Your proposals can be found under the Documents tab of a job where you can Edit, Archive, and Send, and copy the link to the proposal. Clients will not be able to access archived proposals but you will always be able to reference it. You can also Preview, Download, Edit, Resend, and Copy Link for the contract as well. This is where you will countersign the contract once the client has signed.

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