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Client Site Overview

The client's personalized job portal explained

Lauren avatar
Written by Lauren
Updated over a month ago

When you book a job, each contact on the job will have their own personalized portal where they can view their invoices, contracts, emails, and other job-related information. The client site will consolidate all of their info into one place.

To view a client's portal, navigate to the job and go to the Overview section.

Then click "View Booking Site" under a particular contact. Each contact will have their own unique site. Their client site should load in another tab.


The Overview page will show your client a quick summary of the main information on the job. In the upper left they will see the main event's location and the studio personnel assigned to the job.

A summary of the main package will be on the right side. It will display the client's next payment as well. They can make a payment from this screen or they can navigate to the actual invoice under the Invoices tab.

The Event Timeline will show all of the events, meetings, and appointments associated with the job.


This section will contain all of the emails that the studio has sent to the client through ShootQ. The full email can be viewed by clicking on it.


A list of the client's invoices, contracts, and Questionnaires for the job will be listed here. They can view an invoice just by clicking on it.

The invoice will include the Bill To information in the upper left and the studio information in the upper right. It'll detail the package description & contents plus a breakdown of the order including shipping costs, discounts, and taxes if applicable.

The client can make a payment in the payment schedule section. They will be able to pay with whatever method you have chosen for this job. All payments will appear in the Payment History section.


The client can update their contact information in the Account section. This will also update their contact profile in the studio's view.

In the upper left, clients can also switch to other jobs if you have performed multiple jobs for them.Β 

Since every client will have their own client site just make sure you are providing them with the correct URL if they ever ask for access to the it. The URL can be found in the browser's address window.

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