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Creating a New Job

Learn how to create, edit, and update a new job

Adam Fried avatar
Written by Adam Fried
Updated over a week ago

Whenever you get a new lead inquiry, you'll probably want to add it into ShootQ as a new job. This will help you stay better organized with your leads, allow you to correspond with your client, and consolidate all of the information for the job in one place. You can also create a new contact while creating the job. The job's primary contact will automatically be added to your contact list.

Once you have qualified the lead, you'll also be able to send your client a proposal and book the job. Creating jobs is one of the most fundamental aspects of the ShootQ system.

There are two main ways of entering a new job.

  1. Go to the Jobs tab and click the "New Job" button in the  upper right.

  2. From anywhere on the site, Click the "plus" icon in the upper right.

Either method will open the New Job modal where you can enter the job information. First, add the primary contact's name and assign them a role. You can either select one of your existing contacts or you can add a new one. The contact's job role will help you better define their relationship to the job. For example, a wedding might have a bride or a portrait session might just have a client.. And as previously mentioned, creating a new contact will add that person to your contact list.

Only the Job Name is required but you can also add other info like a location name and address. If your lead has also requested a specific shoot date, you can add that as well. You can also set the date and the time by clicking on the calendar picker. If it's an All Day event, make sure you check the All Day box so that it shows up on your calendar appropriately.

Here's a sample job profile with all of the fields completed.

When the job is created, it will contain different sections. The job information overview appears at the top of the page. The primary contact, job name, and job type can be updated by clicking the "Edit" button. Other information like Job Location and Address, and Job Date/Time, can be edited by clicking on the event under the Events tab.

You can create further events on your job - such as meetings, appointments, and other sessions - by clicking the "plus" button in the timeline under the Events tab.

A job will also contain tabs so that you can view and create Proposals & Contracts, Invoices, Contacts & Emails, and Notes & Activity. 

Whenever you need to look up any info or perform any actions related to the job (i.e. send an email to the client, send proposals, add personnel, etc.), simply navigate to the job in your jobs list under the Jobs tab. Each column is sortable. You can also search for a particular job in the upper right.

Creating a job for any new lead inquiry will allow you to keep track of its related activity, all the way from corresponding with your lead to booking the client and collecting payments to marking it as completed.

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